Akhirnya Keluar Juga Buat Eternal World .. Well .. Nunggu After Ends Buat Patch Baru .. Enjoy Dah Yg EW .. Mengingat Masa Lalu :3
Langsung Ke TKP ^_^
Langsung Ke TKP ^_^
2nd α changes in 1.2.0
-Several Bug/Text Fix
-Bag now have sections
-Gain special Slot in equip for things such as pet or ultra rare equip
-F8 Completion
-F1 Map layout/graphic Revamped
-Character relationship (If you currently on later floor, status will be updated once you meet them again)
2nd α changes in 1.2.0b
-Minor event Bug Fix

α1.2.0 Patch
Media Fire
Send Space
Deposit Files
α1.2.0b Patch
Media Fire
Send Space
Deposit Files
Buat Yg Blom Ada Gamenya Bisa Kesini HERE
-Several Bug/Text Fix
-Bag now have sections
-Gain special Slot in equip for things such as pet or ultra rare equip
-F8 Completion
-F1 Map layout/graphic Revamped
-Character relationship (If you currently on later floor, status will be updated once you meet them again)
2nd α changes in 1.2.0b
-Minor event Bug Fix
α1.2.0 Patch
Media Fire
Send Space
Deposit Files
α1.2.0b Patch
Media Fire
Send Space
Deposit Files
Buat Yg Blom Ada Gamenya Bisa Kesini HERE
PATCH SAO : Eternal World α1.2.0b (Latest Version)
Arima Bery
Jika Ada Pertanyaan,Kritik,Saran,Dsb ...
Tolong Di Comment Di Kotak Komentar Yg tersedia,..
Bagi Anda Yg Ber-Komentar,..
Tolong Berkomentarlah Yg Baik,..
Karna Kalau Berbau SARA,Jorok,Mesum,Atau Porno
Akan Saya Jadikan SPAM Atau Saya HAPUS,.. !!!
(Gomen Buat Anonymous ID Saya Urus Belakangan)
NB : Klik Notify Me Dikanan Bawah Ini Biar Ntar Kalo Ane Sudah Balas Bisa Cepat Kalian Konfirmasi
Arigatou ^_^
Bery HackeR™